ANSWER ME THIS - why is it that people actually waste their time attempting to commit to one another only to have it tested annually? WTF -i'm not going to point out the obvious cliche that valentine's day is created by hallmark and that it's stupid because we already know that. BUT if we already know that why does one continue to go through with such a tiresome ordeal?
sex=sex. if one really gave a shit about another person the last thing they would do is date him/her or marry him/her. why does one feel that it is necessary to have the ridiculous verbal agreement that we're "together" -he's my "boyfriend" ;she's my "girlfriend"?? -all such an agreement does is start the test of stress levels where a girl constantly asks herself "does he still like me?; does he love me?; does he STILL love me?; where is this going?; does he like her more than me? - and have the unsatisfied male asking himself "when are we gonna fuck?; who's that guy talking to her?; do i have to go to that chick movie?" - minds conform to one another and flirtation quickly evolves into arguments and silence. WHY WOULD ONE WANT SUCH A THING?
all of which would be avoided if a knowingly transient agreement was not made. what happened to simple FRIENDSHIP? that's right-friendship -an entity that does not require a damn thing except acceptance and presence. where one does not find themselves becoming what he/she despises. you do not need a relationship and all the stress that accompanies it, to have sex. there are MANY other ways to satisfy that.
---so on this Valentine's Day -DUMP YOUR LOVE AND GET A LOVER.