Monday, March 26, 2007

WanderingWestMichigan in NYC

With love and inspiration from Josh Leo's new WanderingWestMichigan, I wanted to show the world what New York film students think of Michigan and its vloggers. ::"Natural's Not in It" by Gang of Four:: click here to watch

*special thanks to Nick, Devan, Justin, Ian, Josh for being themselves in this vlog*


Blogger Michael said...

This was very well shot. How do you make your footage look so crisp and colourfully saturated? Was it your equipment alone, or some special filters added in post? I can already tell that you have a nice lens because you can zoom in and out quite quickly; something that you can't do on a store bought automatic only lens. It also has an enviable depth of field.

9:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was really funny.

"I don't know Josh Leo but i know Josh Groban!...Joshua Jackson!!" lollll

9:27 AM  
Blogger Jen Simmons said...

Ah, to be 12. I mean 20. And in film school... (wait, I'm in film school — gosh I gotta fix that).

This is hilarious, Brian, and brilliant. A great way to show the disconnect between different worlds. I only wish you had time to make more vlog post about other vlogs in worlds different than yours.

Did Josh see this?

11:28 PM  

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